But how to prove it? You see, the problem is my friend Ray is obviously unhinged as he believes he's right when we all know it's *me* that's right. Or sometimes my flatmate. Actually she's usually right as well.
So I decided the best thing was download all 21,454 tweets to that point and do a little simple analysis.
First up, some code. Yep, the actual day job being used to settle a question of my wordy honour.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Text::CSV; my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { binary => 1 } ) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); open my $fh, "getline( $fh ) ) { my $t=$row->[7]; $t=~s/[!?*':;.,"|#]//g; my @w=split(/\s+/,lc($t)); foreach (@w) { $words{$_}=0 if !defined $words{$_}; $words{$_}++; } } $csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();close $fh; foreach (sort { $words{$a} <=> $words{$b} } keys %words){X("$_: $words{$_}");} sub X{print join(' ',@_,"\n");}
So if you happen to have a handy perl interpreter and your downloaded tweets you can do the same.
I ran the code
./annoyRayWithMyPedantry.pl > r.txtAnd then had a look for teh baconz...
victoria@victoriaDev:~/tweets# grep bacon r.txt bacongate: 1 baconsandwich: 1 baconz: 23 bacon: 29So let's add these up. 54. Yep, in 21,454 tweets I mentioned bacon 54 times. And some of those will be in the same tweets. Hmm. What other things did I mention 54 times, let me see now...
victoria@victoriaDev:~/tweets# grep ': 54\s$' r.txt @seismicshed: 54 note: 54 wear: 54 called: 54 either: 54 possibly: 54 lady: 54 conversation: 54 needed: 54 room: 54
Well that wasn't very interesting. So here are some other things I'm known for:
- Cocktails: 71
- Champagne 102
- Wine 124
- Pie 64
- Bread 175
- Vodka 34
- Tea 150
- Boss 82 (I knowz!)
- Knowz 35 ;-)
At the same time I've snorked 190 times, giggled 368 times and only been shocked 98 times.
But, and this is no shocker, I've written face 1,223 times. And a bit. Hold on a minute though, where does the accuser fit in? Well, it turns out, not badly: 806 times. Or, in my world, he's 15 times more "popular" than bacon. Though not as popular as my two best friends ;-)
So there we have it, bacon is not a thing. Got that?
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